Mr. Cappers' Happy Pets
Initial Consultation FREE
Drop-In $18
Regular (20-40 mins) $25
Hourly $35
Regular walk $25 (2 lg) $30
60 min walk $35
(2 lg) $40
Extended (2 consecutive hours) $25/hr
Key p/u - d/o $10
Travel Charges Miles Price
I use google.com/maps,
To look up the 0-5 Free
miles from my home 6-7 $2
to yours. 8-9 $3
10-11 $5
After Hours Add $5
Late Payment $10
Returned Check Fee $20
No extra charges for multiple pets.
* excludes walks
Please schedule adequate time to provide the services requested. If your pet or home needs more time then scheduled, it will be added as needed and billed to you. Bringing in mail, yard pickup, watering and other average tasks are included in base price. More difficult tasks are $5 extra per 15 minutes.
1 Free 30min Service!
New customers only, with 4 or more paid visits.
Collect a $5 Credit for Every Referral
Every referral that books service with us earns $5 to your account.
Initial Booking Consultation 30-60 minutes
At this visit we can complete the necessary paperwork, answer questions, transfer keys, and tour your home while discussing detailed instructions on how to care for your pets. This required meeting will be scheduled at least 48 hours prior to service.
Regular Visit 20-40 Mins
Feeding, water change, poop scoop, play time, potty break
Hourly Care 50-70 Mins
Feeding, water change, poop scoop, play time, potty break
Mail collection, plant watering, garbage bin service,
Medication administration
(pills / liquids - no injections)
Extended Visit 2 hours
All the above. Best for multiple pet homes, and pets with special diets or special needs. Reserve 2 or more consecutive hours and pay $25 an hour.
Drop In 10-20 Mins
Short drop in for quick feed/water and scoop (1-cat); check iron/stove, turn off sprinkler system, close windows, etc.
Important Terms
Payment is due before service starts.
A separate signed & completed Service Request is also due for each service, before each service start.
With permission you may leave a check in full and the completed Service Request for the first visit. However, your pet sitter must leave your home without providing any service if you forget either item.
Refunds & Cancellations
Holiday Payment in full is charged (no refunds)
0-48 Hrs Payment in full is charged (no refunds)
2-7 Days 20% of Service total is due (80% refund)
8+ Days No charge, refund in full